"stocking memories" & car news

This was supposed to be for the Christmas in July challenge on SBO, but life and my poor understanding of DATES got in the way. Not like the Quickutz contest I wanted to enter (mostly for the free die for entering, though hey, I wouldn't say no to a shopping spree...), which was destroyed by the STEALING OF MY CAR (yeah, sure, I should've mailed it earlier, but WHATEVER). More on that in a moment.
This has mostly DCWV paper (I LOVE the Xmas paper stack of theirs), a bit of Quickutz lettering (er, numbering; CK Typist), a bit of doodling and inking.
In car news: Monday seems such a long time ago. Talk about some stress. In good news, the car was found the day after it was stolen; in much better shape than we'd feared (we thought it would be stripped down for spare parts for sure). But they ditched the kids' carseats somewhere unknown (bad, bad people), broke the ignition, stole my sweetie's toolkit in the trunk, etc. So at present it's in the shop, unfortunately probably not finished till tomorrow or possibly Monday. Blah. So things are better than they could be (I was freaking OUT about what we were going to do about getting another car -- my dh doesn't need it for work THANK GOODNESS or we would be even more screwed, but still, y'know, grocery shopping and such, not to mention just the peace of mind knowing you're not completely housebound) and yet worse than I might want (we have to build our meager emergency savings back up and I'm NEVER going to be able to get my camera now *sob* or so it feels). And we need new carseats. BLAH. I think what I resent most is being forced to realize we're more financially shaky than I thought. Being forced out of denial = sucky.
But I fixed my template in Firefox, which is a happy and sunny thing...
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